Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Long White Cloud//Oyster

As part of my fashion stlying for the media individual brief I have to film a 20-30 second video all to promote the magazine aspects of the fashion magazine i'm making for a different brief. Moving image is somewhere I think I really struggle with concepts and ideas and a medium I'd love to improve in. 

I've done some film work for my moving image brief last term and I thought it might be clever to see what was out and released in terms of video content. I found this video filmed by Luke Bryne named Long White Cloud and fell in love with it. The music, editing and colours all of it, link/video below 

So I really wanted to start thinking about usin this blog as another way to express ideas and thoughts. Not only whats happening in and out of the fashion world but also a personal diary of where my thoughts and ideas are heading with uni work. 

So firstly I love this video I think the colours used when editing and the music just fit so perfectly onto each other. The way its edited to be double exposed almost is something I've played around with before and again loved its just a reall interesting way to work in my opinion, I love the comparison of the two different layers, one being background and one being people and subjects. 
I think theres deffinitely something really effortlessly cool about this video and the music and models really do help add to that. They seem less fussed about the video almost awkward about being on screen for close to 4-5 seconds.

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