Thursday, 18 July 2013

Kayne // White Affair

So obviously fashion and celebs come hand in hand with their connections to fashion and designers. In the newest fashion news Kayne West released his menswear collection with APC. The main controvosy so far has been a white tshirt selling it for $120/£80. 

Apparently the collection of three items took Kayne two years to design, although only made up of three jackets, three t-shirts and two pairs of jeans. I really struggle to see how the whole collection took two years, possibly highlighting how irrelevent Kayne is to fashion. Designers do bigger collections in half a year honestly.

Here I've just pulled a few images from APC's online store and if im honest what is there to say? His collection is really nothing to write home about its all uninspired, boring celebrity edorsed drivel. If you're going to be such a household name as he is at least create something decent or stick to what you know, I'm clearly not a fan of any of Kayne's fashion 'ventures' as I'll call them. 

Another massive factor causing debate is this overpriced white tshirt, it's a plain tshirt. So why such an extreme price tag? Selling at £120 I questioned why anyone would even give it the time of day but to add to horror it's also sold out. I guess it just shows the power of branding and consumers love of brands. 

I think the whole thing is one massive trip to help increase Kayne's ever inflating ego. It's clearly another money making scheme and he's so deluded to think he has an relevance to be in the fashion industry, especially since releasing his own collections which went down like a lead balloon. All I can think is anyone who tries to use their celeb status to create fashion which makes the entire industry look like a joke isn't worth bothering with. 

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