Something we're used to seeing constantly is women being seen as sexual objects but with the new rise of certain ad campaigns and photographers, has it almost been accepted?
For example, take American Apparel who constantly bring out images of women as sexual objects, rather than having respect for them. I think firstly these adverts are awful and secondly if you're trying to appeal to such a young audience as American Apparel do why promote this? Do we want to teach youth that it's alright to look at women in this way, we wonder why there are so many people who think about rape with the view 'your outfit says you were asking for it'.
I understand the need to be risque and controversial but this is a step to far, creating an ad like this once and it being deemed with such negative issues should clearly make you change your stance when creating ads surely?
Another mention goes to Terry Richardson whos also created this idea of hipster sexism, I honestly think that people who are so youth orientated really need to think about the messages they send across with the photos/ads they're putting out there. For example Terry Richardson being someone who has worked with everyone from Beyoncé to Lady Gaga, all the huge influential names should he really be releasing photographs of women in next to no clothing.
Without even thinking about how this affects the children, just in general he seems to be somebody who continously shoots women in either a sexual way or extremely provactive. Which isn't to disregard his work as a photographer there are pieces I've seen and loved.
Like this image, I don't understand why he feels the need to create such images and also why people are so accepting of it? Do we really care so little about women that we're willing to see them treated like this all in the name of 'fashion' or 'style'. Is it not sending women's rights back years?
Wow, that 'now open' campaign one is especially shocking. Jesus.